Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Meetings

Online meetings can be held anywhere that has an internet connection. They can provide more flexibility, cost savings, and accessibility and are a good option for frequent or brief interactions between small groups of workers. Additionally, they are more convenient than traditional meetings because there is no requirement to travel for them. However, it is important to think about the risks and disadvantages that come with online meetings before using them in your business.

Online meetings can save time. Because there is no requirement to reserve a space and worry about whether it is enough to accommodate everyone it is easy to dial in at the appointed time and then get right to work. The time you would have spent making the event a success or traveling to it could be put to use in productive work. This means that there are fewer wasted minutes in the meeting, as well as helping the meeting to be shorter.

Another benefit is that meetings held online tend to be more punctual than in-person ones. Attendees are more likely to attend the meeting in the place they are (at home at work, in a cafe or a coffee shop) and stay clear of the distractions and stress of commuting, driving or getting ready for the meeting. There’s also less chance of getting involved in an accident or spreading germs while trying to reach a meeting.