Commercial and Nonprofit Boards Or Directors Can Benefit From a Board Portal Or Management Software System

Although they might appear to have nothing in common commercial and non-profit boards or directors both face similar challenges when it comes to governing the business of boards. Both boards can benefit from the board portal or management software system to streamline their duties. In addition to providing the company with a central location for information, these tools can also enable the board to work more efficiently and effectively as a whole.

All boards, regardless of whether they are for-profit or not, are responsible for ensuring their organisations adhere to legal and ethical standards. Fiduciary obligations include adopting sound financial management and governance policies and ensuring stewardship that is appropriate. The board must also to ensure that the organization adheres to all laws and regulations that pertain to its mission, and that it has the proper amount of resources in order to fulfill its objectives.

In addition to these governing roles, most nonprofit boards are required to have some level of fundraising ability. This means that the board needs to be prepared to spread the word about the organization, utilize its network in order to reach potential donors, and, if financially feasible the board can make its own donations.

Many nonprofits organize their boards with president, treasurer and secretary. These officer posts are required by the majority of states to qualify for tax exemption. Most nonprofits also have multiple committees that deal with similar issues such as fundraising as well as finance and programs. Having separate committees can allow the board to divide up its workload, and it can also be useful for the recruitment of new members who may not feel comfortable or qualified to join the full board.