Team Development Stages Essay Sample Team Leader Role Example

Encourage team members to develop a schedule filled with large blocks of time that are free from interruptions like meetings or check-ins. In this world of constant notifications, it’s easy for people to get derailed and forget which goals are really important. The team members can find out what they can improve in future projects. The last stage of team development increases confidence among team members so that they can move on to the next task. Have you ever wondered why it takes some time for a new team to hit peak performance? In this article, we discuss the different stages of team development and how leaders can guide their team through those stages to increase collaboration.

stages of team development with examples

So keep on reading to learn more about the team development cycle or scroll down for a visual infographic on the topic. The key to moving through this stage is to make things as simple as possible. Hopefully, your team’s purpose or desired outcome is understood by this point. Now it’s time to make sure everyone understands the incremental milestones on the way to your goal, and what their role is in helping the team get there.

Collaborative On-Line Research and Learning

The stages of group development in organizational behavior and management comprise the theory of team development. In other words, it’s a group-forming model that consists of 5 distinct phases. In the earlier stages of your team’s formation, establish a clear communication plan. A communication plan is an outline of how your team is going to communicate important information to key stakeholders.

  • You have a mature, well-organized group now fully focused on reaching the project goals established in the Forming Stage.
  • Now, if the team members have grown close and accustomed to working with each other, they may mourn that it’s now time to move on and work with other people.
  • A workshop to support teams to reflect on and ultimately increase their alignment with purpose/goals and team member autonomy.
  • Share a link to these meeting notes afterwards so that everyone has access and can review it later.
  • In any case, it’s the saddest of all the 5 stages of group development.

Take the time to call out assumptions about the work and (more importantly) how you’ll work together. Solving problems face-to-face instead of over email or chat is a good investment right now because you’ll get a richer sense of who your teammates are as people. The forming-storming-norming-performing cycle repeats more often than you might think. Some teams do come to an end, when their work is completed or when the organization’s needs change. While not part of Tuckman’s original model, it is important for any team to pay attention to the end or termination process. It’s easy for everyone — including you — to get in a tunnel and focus on their own lists of tasks.

Common Characteristic of the Norming Stage

It is also your responsibility as the team leader to calm the nerves of your team members about future expectations. There is a very low tendency for conflicts to occur and the team members are only focused on carrying out its goals. Team collaboration is very high at this stage and team members can easily make use of team collaboration software to further increase their collaboration level. At this performing stage, everybody knows who the leader of the team is and what they are supposed to do for the success of the team. Since the team is rarely disturbed with conflicts and disagreements, every member of the team can easily work together to achieve the team’s goals. Some of them might even start to question the team’s goals and objectives.

They start to work through their differences and come up with solutions that benefit each other. They eventually start to understand roles and responsibilities, how each person works best and how they can support one another’s efforts toward a common goal. Team members tend to be more polite during this stage since they’re learning how to work together effectively.

Forming stage

Teams that have been working closely for some time have resolved enough issues to understand what success looks like for them. For example, success can be anything from higher customer acquisition to a positive shift in the metrics they’re tracking. When teams work in the same space, it’s easy to see what everyone’s doing. Designers are talking to product managers to get direction, or product managers meet with analysts to talk about user data and reports. It’s different for remote marketing teams because you can’t see what people are working on.

stages of team development with examples

Overly prescriptive or unimaginative exercises can frustrate a team, particularly if it’s not their first rodeo. In this activity from Hyper Island, group members create their own questions on post-its and trade them with other group members as they mingle and break the ice. In virtual teams, the need for activities to help teams get to know each other is even greater, as some of the usual spaces for mingling and forming bonds are unlikely to be unavailable to them. Let’s take a look at some activities designed to help teams get to know each other in the Forming Stage. Here’s the thing, the line between certain stages can get blurred since team members evolve at different times.

Team is Norming

Make sure everyone steps back each day or week to take a look at the larger picture. Anastasia worked in management consulting and tech startups, so she has lots of experience in helping professionals choosing the right business software. However, note that there are also some rare occasions where the team might not have completed its projects successfully and still move on to this stage.

stages of team development with examples

However, in 1977, Tuckman together with Mary Ann Jensen proposed another stage which is the final stage and is known as the Adjourning stage. Members of the team are not easily swayed by side distractions but are focused, concentrated, and dedicated. The team is very active at this stage and mainly concentrated on achieving its purpose of formation. To do this, encourage your team members to engage in constant communication with one another. It is generally known and accepted that no two individuals are exactly alike no matter how similar they might look.

What is Team Development?

While those people are still available when we need them, we usually don’t. Most teams today work according to the principles of the agile movement. Even if you’re not “Agile” (with a capital A), you self-organize around tasks. You don’t wait to be told how to do your job – you determine the best way to meet your objectives and get on with it. Our discussion so far has focused mostly on a team as an entity, not on the individuals inside the team. This is like describing a car by its model and color without considering what is under the hood.

stages of team development with examples

After reflecting as individuals, the team builds a collective map which can serve as the basis for further discussions and actions. Each one encouraging the team to reflect and analyse a different and crucial element of their behaviour. After all, their ability to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals is a reflection of a management job well done.

Stages of Group Development

In this stage, team members are in the process of learning how to work together. As team members begin collaborating, conflicts may arise, whether that’s from clashing personalities or opinions on how a project should progress. Without a clear understanding of what role each individual plays on the team, relationships can get tumultuous as team members struggle to find a role that’s right for them. In the adjourning stage, most of the team’s goals have been accomplished.

Forming — Getting projects started

One possible misconception is that to move a group through the Storming stage, you have to prevent differences in opinion from emerging. The ideal situation here is not to avoid discussions and conflicts from happening entirely, but to ensure they are productive, respectful, and result in practical takeaways. Check in with your team to ensure you give them the level of support they need. Ensure they feel confident to approach management for help or reach out to fellow team members for encouragement. Here, leadership is tasked with evaluating the team’s effectiveness and acknowledging its members’ efforts, including any celebration or recognition to provide a sense of closure. As the work process is not yet decided, the team is making little progress, and their progress is often riddled with errors.

Individual members of a team learn more about their personal potential, duties, and work dynamically within the team. Conversely, team development acquaints each member with the talents and roles of other members. machine learning and ai This combination of internal and external reflection strengthens communication, productivity, and well-being within the team. A team is a group of individuals who work together toward a common goal.